Soil and Tissue Sampling
On your request we will do the required sampling and interpret the resulting data for you. Yearly soil samples are a critical part of a sound fertility program.
Irrigation, Water Analysis, and Treatment
At three-and-a-half-acre foot of water the average grower might apply over the season, it is far and away the largest input a grower will use. 3.5-acre foot of water is the equivalent of over 9-million pounds of this vital input per acre! In that water there is the great chance for carbonates, bicarbonates and biological matter that can compromise your ability to maximize your crop yield.
In concert with our partner Wagner Ag Services, we are happy to conduct a full examination of your irrigation water quality and suggest remedies including the introduction of gypsum, buffering with various acid options, or using one of Wagner’s fine algaecides.
Dry and Liquid Fertilizer Application
We have a variety of application equipment all designed to apply dry products or liquid fertilizer materials.
Dust can be a serious problem for many farmers and ranchers. To assist with your dust control needs, we carry Dust Off© Dust Suppressant. Dust Off© works by compacting and stabilizing dirt roads, limiting the amount of time and money spent maintaining roads. For further product information, please click on the product link or contact us.
Dust Control
We offer a large variety of equipment for rent. Whether your requirements are large or small, we’re here with the right tools to help. A few examples available are:
Gopher Bait Machines
Injection Pumps
Lime / Gypsum Spreaders
Liquid Applicators
Dry Fertilizer Spreaders
Equipment Rental
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to discuss your specific needs